Since we were founded, MCWD has been committed to research and innovation to manage our precious groundwater, to prevent saltwater intrusion and work collaboratively with others to study and identify alternative and sustainable long-term water supplies.
MCWD remains committed to ongoing research, investment in infrastructure while remaining focused on providing safe water at reasonable rates.
As we develop new water supplies for the future, we also must protect our existing rights. In 2015, The California Department of Water Resources granted MCWD exclusive Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) status over parts of the Monterey Subbasin and the 180/400 Subbasin.
MCWD supports innovation and technology to develop new and affordable water supplies, which could someday include desalination. The key is that these projects must be done responsibly, with careful consideration and scientifically sound data.
Water demands within the district were below the state and regional averages long before the recent drought due to aggressive water conservation practices.
Additional conservation and demand management measures include: